Star Trek’s universal translator device, Just science fiction?

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Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Star Trek would no doubt have marveled at William Shatner's Universal Translator device. The cult television show allowed its characters to communicate seamlessly with alien species using a simple device; it was devices and ideas like this that kept the sci-fi audience hooked. Well, thanks to South African based software developer and translation expert Dwayne Bailey, the Universal Translator may no longer be the stuff of fiction.

YouTube Offering Paid Translation of Videos

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Following Google's recent release of solutions that allow uploaders to easily translate closed captions for their videos, the search giant last week announced its partnership with two translation firms in a bid to further enhance its multilingual offerings. Google bought YouTube in 2006 and has since grown the website to be the most popular online video sharing platform.

Will Foreign Languages Always Be Britain’s Downfall?

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A recent study commissioned by the Department for Education in the UK has found that English pupils are among the worst performers in regard to learning a foreign language. The report, carried out by the National Foundation for Education Research, analysed the language skills in fourteen European countries, looking at a cross section of pupils based upon economic, social and cultural indicators.

Will Mandarin surpass English as the first international language?

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The rise of China, its cultural hegemony and Mandarin tongue might have taken its first direct victim, the language of William Shakespeare and global popularity and appeal of the English tongue.According to BBC News, for the first time ever, the dominance of English is being challenged in many of the South East Asian economies, such as Singapore.

Engaging with Customers in a Language They Can Understand – Their Own

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Recent research has highlighted the need for businesses to optimise their social media in different languages in order to truly engage with their global customer base. Unless this vitally important line of communication is handled by an expert, then potential damage to your business and brand can be catastrophic.

Nepal Street Sellers Embrace Foreign Languages to Boost Business

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Souvenir sellers working on the tourist streets of Kathmandu, Nepal, are increasingly learning foreign languages to help sell their products, according to a report in the Nepalese newspaper Republica. The article centres around Surendra Shahim, who sells colourful artefacts in Durbar Square to tourists by uttering foreign language words to draw in potential customers.

What Makes Latin so Ideal for Twitter?

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Following the excitement in the news last week after Pope Benedict XVI tweeted from his new Latin Twitter account for the first time, the Secretary of the Pontifical Academy, Father Roberto Spataro, points out that the social network's 140 character limit makes it perfect for writing in Latin. "Twitter is an instrument that requires rapid communication", said Spataro.

Five Translated Children’s Books Feature in Marsh Award Shortlist

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The Marsh Award, which commends high quality translated fiction for young people, has five translated books for children in its shortlist. Each of the selected books were first published in a foreign language and then translated into English. Currently, 97 per cent of books published for children and young adults come from the English speaking world, meaning that only 3 per cent are non-English in origin and eligible for the Marsh Award, which has run since 1996.

Can You Learn a New Language via YouTube? One Direction Think So

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British boy band One Direction have been instructed to learn the basics of several foreign languages to avoid embarrassment when embarking on promotional tours abroad. The band, formed on the UK's X-Factor in 2010, have become extremely successful overseas, acquiring large fan bases in America, Europe and Asia.