The Body Shop is one of the world’s leading cosmetics shops, with more than 2,500 shops in 61 countries. The organisation also runs numerous social activities, including the establishment of the Body Shop Foundation.
Project scope
For the last two years, Today Translations has been commissioned by the Body Shop to translate a wide variety of company documents. These include internal communications, financial reports, and marketing materials.
The Body Shop has entrusted Today Translations with a number of highly-confidential translation projects, principally for communications purposes between the organisation’s international headquarters in West Sussex and its offices in France.
Today Translations was also recently approached to translate a scripted speech on behalf of one of the firm’s senior managers for YouTube into eight different languages, including Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese.
We value the Body Shop highly, both as a client and as a Great British company that over the years has successfully transcended borders and cultures with seeming ease.