
Demand for literary translations reaches all-time high

Literary translators rejoice, as this summer the UK has seen a reported “mini-boom” in the popularity of foreign authors. The Guardian reports that British bookworms have picked translated works off the shelves in record numbers this year. The most popular novels, unsurprisingly perhaps, have come from the Scandinavian shores thanks to the popularity of Stieg Larson’s Millenium series, as well as Nordic television dramas such as The Killing and The Bridge.

The Importance of Being Scottish by David of Bonnie Doncaster

For the best part of five decades, I’d assumed that nurture and my obsession with collecting toy soldiers as a boy was responsible for my endless love of the unmistakable plaid of Scotland. Those classic images of the gallant Black Watch at Waterloo as they prepared for another destructive attack from the French Cuirassiers and scenes captured on celluloid in the blockbuster ‘Braveheart’ are engrained in my soul.

Researchers Have Discovered

At a time when I was old enough to know that a decision was required but not quite old enough to know how to make it I was faced with the choice of what to do with the rest of my life. Should I go down the well-trodden academic path or take the uncertain creative track? Even though we didn't have "no brainer" situations then, it was one.


Last month, Today Translation's David Clarke was a guest speaker at "Cyber Essentials" - the UK government scheme to improve security against "cyber attacks". By "cyber men" presumably. Who live in "cyberspace". Wherever that is; It's all Greek

Oh to be in London!

It happens frequently. You are walking along a street in India and a man comes up to you and demands, “What country?’ The first time this happened, I was so taken aback that I said, in my best colonial English, "I’m sorry?”. “What country you from?” the stranger enlarged. Recovering, I replied “England”.

When Translation Becomes Life-Critical

Up at the very sharp end of translation services lies the requirement for the total elimination of any ambiguity or error in translated texts - in order for people to stay alive.

War Zone Linguists

Wars have happened since the dawn of time and will continue to happen until dusk falls over the planet. Wars are either about one nation seizing territory from another, (WW2), or assisting an ally to defend itself against an attacker (WW1), or protecting essential global assets (Iraq, The Gulf 1&2), stemming the tide of terrorism (Afghanistan), or religion (take your pick).

Who’s afraid of the Cyber-Wolf?

When the walls twice came tumbling down around the two little pigs, I imagine they had a brief moment to reflect on their short dancing careers as they dashed to the safety of their brother’s safe house with bad old Wolfie’s breath bearing down on their hind quarters. Just as we all brush off a close shave the playful pigs probably chuckled as they sipped their tot of rum by the fire.

The danger of remembrance fatigue

Its around this time of year when many Brits bolt the box on the roof rack, fill the car with family and luggage and set off across the channel for their summer holidays in France and Italy. As they speed down the autoroute on their way across the fields of northern France few realise that they are driving over the falling places of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who made a similar journey a hundred years earlier with certainly no thought of a holiday on their agenda.