
A French Phrasebook for the Footballing Philosopher

There is no better time than Euro 2016 to sharpen up your French skills. Today Translations' French phrasebook will whisk you round from the basics of conversation, exclamation, and finally to stoic acceptance of the inevitable - the anticlimactic end of the tournament.

US Banks Urged to Heed Lending Risks with Translation Services

Financial think-tank Americans for Financial Reform have released an important report detailing the risks and liabilities of US mortgage lenders who do not cater for the language needs of their non-Anglophone customers. The arguments in favour of a strategy shift towards a more diversified language offering in mortgage dealings are quite compelling and, as it turns out, may be legally binding. TT explores further.

In Praise Of: The World’s Best Writing System

Not all writing systems are born equal. While most emerge gradually as a hotch-potch mix of what came before, one major world writing system simply appeared in the 15th century as a masterpiece of efficient design - a system so good it even has national holidays in its honour. Click to read more...

Localisation and the Law: A Catalan Conundrum

Language laws in Spanish Catalonia are causing a simmering row about consumer rights and freedom of expression. While the punitive laws favouring the Catalan language have both adherents and detractors, they appear to be here to stay - so what can businesses learn from this situation?

TT Features: Deborah Smith, Literary Translator and Winner of the Man Booker International Prize

Literary translators are often made to live in the shadows. However, A rethink of the Man Booker International Prize's format has given a whole new generation of translators the opportunity to share the limelight (and proceeds) of their hard work - starting this year with Han Kang's "The Vegetarian", translated by Brit Deborah Smith, who just seven years ago spoke not a word of Korean...

Astonishing AI: Meet Google’s SyntaxNet

On the back of their greatly hyped success with AlphaGo, Google's Artificial Intelligence research has made a fascinating breakthrough by applying deep neural network technologies to natural language processing. It's just a shame about the nickname...

Alleged Flawed Translation at Heart of Commercial Bank Liquidation in Latvia

It appears that a low-quality, deceptive translation is derailing Latvia's attempts to purge its banking system of poor practice. The incident has led to one of the country's leading commercial banks, Trasta Komercbanka AS, being punished by the European regulators. Today Translations examines this story and the lessons we may take from it.

Not Remotely Humerus: Why Medical Translation Matters

Translation intersects with many industries to help spread their messages - but in the case of medical translations, the risks involved make success in this enterprise even more demanding. Today Translations examines why the medical sector can pose such complex problems for the translator, and what happens on the rare occasions when things go wrong.