Evernoon Supports Global Efforts to Improve Industrial Safety

Evernoon is supporting efforts to improve the wellbeing and safety of workers by becoming a signatory to the Manifesto for Global Industrial Safety.

The manifesto, which promotes the use of technology-driven safety solutions, sets out five principles to improve safety procedures and reduce workplace accidents.

  1. Uphold the human right to safe working conditions
  2. Ensure that safety is central to digital decision
  3. Exploit new digitally enabled safety solutions
  4. Share, monitor and promote safety lessons
  5. Support safety improvements in developing countries

According to the International Labour Organization almost three million workers die each year as a result of workplace accidents and diseases worldwide. Over 60% of fatalities occur in the agriculture, construction, forestry and fishing and manufacturing sectors.

Jurga Zilinskiene MBE, Co-founder and CEO of Evernoon said: “We will do everything in our power to save lives in the workplace.”

“We are introducing new multilingual AI solutions, including immersive safety training videos featuring digital human avatars that can speak more than 100 languages. We are also making GAI, our automated translation software, available as an integrated solution to make lifesaving information accessible to every worker in their preferred language.”

The manifesto was developed by a coalition led by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Lloyd’s Register Foundation, and the Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS), in collaboration with Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy (CIIP) at the University of Cambridge.

For more information about the Manifesto for Global Industrial Safety visit their site.