Our Multilingual Digital Adventure: Bridging Cultures, One Avatar at a Time

Imagine stepping into a digital world where your avatar seamlessly switches between languages. That is the experience the team at Evernoon had recently, as they created digital human avatars of themselves.

The journey began not in the digital realm, but in a physical one – with a green screen set up and cameras rolling. The team – Wangyuan (Ruby) Qu, Jessie Cho, and Jurga Zilinskiene MBE – took turns stepping into the spotlight, creating an electric atmosphere between themselves and the arrays of bright lights that shone.

The Task: Capturing the Cultural Differences with Avatars

To record themselves speaking not just in English, but also in Chinese and Cantonese, capturing the cultural differences and the linguistic nuances of each language.
There were fumbles and laughter, of course. Re-recording lines with perfect inflection in three languages certainly proved a delightful challenge! Yet, amidst the light-heartedness, they felt a deeper sense of connection, as each language spoken became a window into their childhood nostalgia and cultural heritage — a bridge across cultures built on shared experiences.

The experience served as a powerful reminder of human’s boundless creativity. Instead of using technology as a lifeless tool, at Evernoon it becomes a vibrant canvas for which one could paint a picture of inclusion and understanding on.

How Digital Avatars are Connecting Cultures

It is about sharing experiences, fostering connections, and showcasing the beauty of a world where languages and cultures intertwine.
At Evernoon, we believe digital human avatars are more than just technological. They’re stepping stones towards a more connected, creative, and culturally diverse future.

Let’s create an avatar that speaks volumes, not just words.