Proofreading services
Make sure that your documents are free of orthographic, grammatical and syntactic errors before being published online or going to press.
At Today Translations our in-house and freelance proofreaders check the translated material with the original text, and also review the text according to your company’s guidelines. We’ll go that extra mile for you when it comes to making sure that your material is perfect.
Competitive rates
Rates for proofreading are set about 30-40 per cent of the rate of the translation. However, if you’re interested in using just our proofreading services, our project management will draw up a quote based on your requirements, such as dissertation proofreading.
Please note that our proofreading services are different from our editing services, which take specific words, terminology and style into account, and thereby carry different rates.
Quick turnaround
At a standard rate, our proofreaders manage to proofread roughly 5,000 words per day. But if you need really fast turnaround we can assign a higher number to take care of your assignment.
With a global network of over 2,500 linguists, there are no limits to the service we can provide.
An eye for detail
Without exception, any text or any writer benefits from having additional proofreading. Furthermore, our proofreaders also point out any potentially libelous content (defamatory untruths that could lead to lawsuits) and errors of fact.
Being extremely detail-focused, our proofreaders are familiar with a variety of resources like word processing software, style guides and multilingual dictionaries.
Today Translations’ proofreaders work closely with our project managers, who monitor them using our bespoke software and systems, to ensure an accurate, speedy and tailored delivery.